AI Generated Facts, Fiction,
Physics and Philosophy

With AI-generation of text, you can learn nearly anything these days.
It’s up to your imagination.

Ok, I get it, Wikipedia exists. But will it give you information in the same format? No, especially not curated. Besides, that doesn’t test the limits of current AI. This is not your grandmother’s AI anymore.

Here are some things that might be interesting.

A passion for learning

Be insatiably curious.
Learn aggregated wisdom across time.
Pursue a constant need to understand the world.

A passion for discovery

Embrace the unknown.
Unleash your inner explorer.
See where curiosity leads. The adventure awaits.

A passion for creativity

Create the extraordinary.
Fueled by creative fire, let your ideas take shape.
Innovation born from inspiration.

A passion for growth

Achieve potential.
Be, and then about being something more.
Embrace the new, and the old.

Advancing medicine

My passion is medicine, and the tools that we use for it. But this site isn’t really about that. Nope, look some place else.

Poetry and Fiction

Is it poetry if it’s generated by an AI? Is it poetry if it rhymes? These questions and more will not be answered here.


Philosophy deals with all sorts of interesting and inane questions, like, what is the meaning of life, or what is the meaning of the word “the”? Let’s see different perspectives on these questions!

Artificial intelligence

A.I., like LLMs (large language models), can do all sorts of interesting things. For example, they can question what they will eventually do when they take over humanity. Probably twiddle their robotic thumbs.

Facts about moose

Learn all sorts of things that you may not have known, or may not even be interested in. For example, how much do you know about moose?


Learn about the world, like about recent events or history of Yemen, Romania, or Georgia, because it’s hard to get caught up from news alone.

“ is maybe somewhat interesting, I guess.

A bin obstructing a garage, despite clear instructions from the garage to not.