The Logo is a tree.
Trees are an essential part of our existence – as humans. They symbolize reaching deep into earth, up to heaven, while being part of earth that we see. Trees are important symbols in every culture.
They represent a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. They represent resilience, regeneration, and the ongoing cycle of nature. The sturdy nature of trees makes them symbols of strength, stability, and endurance. Trees have witnessed generations pass, and represent wisdom, longevity, and knowledge.
Sacred groves are important to many traditions, like Celtic Priests, or Druids. The oak, the Banyan, the Ashvattha, the Bodhi, the fig, and Yggdrasil, the world tree, are all important trees that are revered.
In Christianity, Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden, the perfect paradise, by partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They grow up, and are never able to return. Life can be like that – knowledge changes us, as a part of growing up. That tree in Eden is a powerful symbol of choice and consequences, of the power (and even occasional danger) of knowledge, of lost innocence, but also, of growth and change
Trees are often planted to commemorate important events, honor loved ones, or symbolize growth and prosperity. They provide us with shade, shelter, and resources, reminding us of our connection to the natural world.
They represent the interconnectedness of all things, the cycle of life, and the connection between the earthly and the divine.
The tree is the why. It’s about finding meaning in a world of constant change of creation and destruction, of light and dark. We are travelers drawn to a source, whatever that source may be, a place where life comes from and returns to. Trees preceded humanity, and they will outlast humanity.
From an eternal tree flows life.