Category: Physics
Science: Seeing individual atoms
Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SX-STM) is a fascinating and advanced scientific technique that brings together two powerful methods—scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and synchrotron-generated X-rays—to explore the atomic and electronic landscapes of materials. By combining these methods, scientists can not only see individual atoms on a surface but also understand their chemical makeup and electronic…
Physics: Large Detection Facilities
Particle physics relies on a diverse array of experimental facilities and detectors to study the fundamental particles that make up the universe. These facilities span the globe and use different techniques to explore various types of particles. For instance, large particle accelerators like CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are used to collide protons and heavy…
Science: Paraparticles
Paraparticles are a fascinating and hypothetical extension of particle physics that could potentially unlock the mysteries of various complex quantum phenomena. Their theoretical foundation challenges the conventional classification of particles into bosons and fermions by introducing an intermediary class that exhibits unique properties, particularly in systems where traditional quantum mechanics encounters limitations. Imagine the world…
Facts about: Universe expansion
The expansion of the universe is a truly fascinating phenomenon that shapes how we understand the cosmos. Unlike the common misconception that the universe is expanding “into” something, the truth is that space itself is growing. This means that there is no central “edge” where the universe is expanding into; rather, every point in the…
Nuclear power around the world
United Kingdom The UK’s nuclear power landscape is at a critical juncture. The country faces the imminent retirement of a significant portion of its existing nuclear fleet, which currently provides around 9 GW of capacity. This decline in capacity poses a challenge to the UK’s energy security and its decarbonization goals. While the government has…
The proton “spin crisis”
[[note: this is an attempt at an AI language model explain some quite difficult concept. >95% of this was AI generated..]] The proton spin crisis is a long-standing puzzle in physics that arises from our understanding of the proton’s internal structure and its spin. What is spin? Spin is a fundamental property of elementary particles,…